Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Our congregation exists solely by the grace of God. We are made up of sinners from many walks of life who have heard Christ's call of repentance and forgiveness. As Christ has invited us to do, we gather to be shaped by His Word and the Sacraments so through the power of His Holy Spirit we may constantly grow in faith and love.
Our congregation exists solely by the grace of God. We are made up of sinners from many walks of life who have heard Christ's call of repentance and forgiveness. As Christ has invited us to do, we gather to be shaped by His Word and the Sacraments so through the power of His Holy Spirit we may constantly grow in faith and love.
That sums up our whole mission as well - we strive to share the hope and newness of life that Christ gives to one another and to the community around us by means of the Word and Sacraments, so that others might experience and be shaped by God's holy will and gracious promises.
That sums up our whole mission as well - we strive to share the hope and newness of life that Christ gives to one another and to the community around us by means of the Word and Sacraments, so that others might experience and be shaped by God's holy will and gracious promises.
And that is what we aim for in every aspect of our life together - to constantly hold each other up under God's truth, to serve one another, encourage each other, and comfort each other, that God might bring us to rely on Him alone for our hope and future, and we might live as His people until Christ returns.
And that is what we aim for in every aspect of our life together - to constantly hold each other up under God's truth, to serve one another, encourage each other, and comfort each other, that God might bring us to rely on Him alone for our hope and future, and we might live as His people until Christ returns.
Join us for worship:
Join us for worship:
Sundays at 10 am
Sundays at 10 am
(communion on first and third Sundays)
Bible Study Times:
Bible Study Times:
Sunday School
Sunday School
-After Worship-
Monday Evening Supper/Bible Study
Monday Evening Supper/Bible Study
-Potluck Supper at 6 PM-
-Adult and Children's Lessons at 7 PM-
Wednesday Bible Study at 2 pm
Wednesday Bible Study at 2 pm
-Enduring Faith-
Thursday lay-led Bible Study at 10 am
Thursday lay-led Bible Study at 10 am
-The Gospel of John-
Meets on the second Thursday of the month at 1 pm
Meets on the second Thursday of the month at 1 pm
Contact Us
Contact Us
PO Box 12
PO Box 12
603 State 371 NW
603 State 371 NW
Backus, MN 56435
Backus, MN 56435
Church Phone: 218-947-4182
Church Phone: 218-947-4182
Pastor Travis Lauterbach - PASTORTRAVISL@HOTMAIL.COM