
The Voter's Assembly

The church is the fellowship of those who believe that God the Father is merciful to them for the sake of His Son, Jesus Christ. The people are the church, as they have been brought to faith by the Holy Spirit through God's words and deeds.

As such, the Word of God governs all aspects of the congregation's faith and practice. But it is the members of the congregation that deliberate and decide how best to faithfully carry out our shared life under God's Word. They do this in faithfulness to the Scriptures and the Lutheran confessions.

The members administer and manage all the congregation's affairs. They do this primarily through the Voters Assembly. At this assembly, anyone who has formally declared that he or she subscribes to the Gospel of Christ Jesus as it is officially taught in this congregation, and who has formally committed him or herself to the welfare of the congregation by signing the constitution of the congregation may propose actions, discuss any items of concern, and vote on any matter. Members who have not signed the constitution may still come and participate in discussions, but will not be able to propose actions or vote.

The Church Council

The Church Council is made up of the heads of the various boards and committees in our congregation. They are responsible for providing direction to the congregation on behalf of the voters assembly. The congregation has given them authority to oversee many of the organizational matters of our congregation's activities and property, The council reports any actions it has taken and any recommendations it might have to the voter's assembly so that the congregation may review these recommendations and act according to them if necessary. 

The Elders

The Elders are a group of men charged by the congregation with the task of assisting the pastor in fostering the spiritual life and well-being of the congregation.

Specifically, the elders...